Stored Procedures Customization

Populate GridView with Your Own Database Stored Procedures

Code Customization
Populate GridView with Your Own Database Stored Procedures (Not Applicable To Mobile)

This customization calls your own stored procedures to get a list of records to populate a ASP.NET GridView control.


Step 1:  In Iron Speed Designer, switch to Layout Editor.

Step 2:  In Layout Editor highlight any desired cell and add the following ASPX code to the correspoding Cell Editor.

<asp:GridView ID="MyGrid" runat="server" OnPageIndexChanging="gridView_PageIndexChanging" bordercolor="Silver" borderstyle="Solid" borderwidth="1px" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" cssclass="ttc" forecolor="Silver" horizontalalign="Left" allowpaging="True" pageindex="1"> <PagerSettings LastPageImageUrl="~/Images/arrow_end.gif" PreviousPageImageUrl="~/Images/arrow_left.gif" FirstPageImageUrl="~/Images/arrow_beg.gif" Position="Top" NextPageImageUrl="~/Images/arrow_right.gif" Mode="NextPreviousFirstLast"></PagerSettings> <RowStyle CssClass="ttc"></RowStyle> <SelectedRowStyle CssClass="ttcs"></SelectedRowStyle> <PagerStyle CssClass="ttc"></PagerStyle> <HeaderStyle CssClass="thc"></HeaderStyle> </asp:GridView>

Step 3:  Use this wizard to add code customization.

Step 4:  In added code customization, specify the name and location of your stored procedure and its parameter list (if any).

Step 5:  Build and run the application.

Customizations included in this wizard are provided as a sample to demonstrate a feature, and may work only in specific situations. The Iron Speed Designer support team cannot assist in the resolution of problems which may occur as a result of customizing your application or modifying a customization to fit a particular purpose.

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